Category: Event Planning

A day in the life of a stressed events planner

Quiz_Are you a tech savvy event planner

Tracy Ryan, Head of EMEA Marketing, Simpleview

Event Planning is Easy!

Don’t you just love it when everyone “advises” you on what you could do better next time?  I really do wonder if people (no departments mentioned) really do think event planning is easy.  The fact is, even amidst the planning of your latest event, you probably have a number of other events already in planning, including the next large scale event, and you’ve probably got a tried and tested method to cover the planning, organisation and execution.  But, with so many plates spinning, so many varied aspects to consider, and so little actually within your control, being asked “have you thought of this?” can send even the most seasoned planner over the edge.

For me – someone who has managed international marketing teams – whilst still considering myself to be the go-to event planner for each organisation, I have to say events are absolutely my favourite part of the job.  But I also admit to being a control freak, and that’s where my love of event planning and of controlling things are kind of misaligned.  After all, as mentioned, there are so many aspects of event planning that are not within my control.

I’m interested to know whether you can relate to any of the following:


No matter how compelling my invitation, how creative my website design or how relevant my agenda, getting people to actually commit to registering for an event (whether free or paid for) is a nightmare.  Let’s be honest, you can build the most amazing experience, with everything you believe your delegates are looking for, trying to improve year on year, and still they don’t register.  You’re told, “yes I have at least 25 clients who still need to register”, but they don’t.  You can repeatedly announce the end of your early bird registration, and still they don’t register.  There’s literally nothing you can do, bar calling them and registering them yourself – which isn’t ideal when you’re trying to calculate accurate numbers for your event.  Just because you build it, doesn’t mean they’ll come.

The Early Bird Rate

Why is it that you set a deadline for a discounted fee and still staff and delegates think that they are somehow an exception to the rule?  We set early bird deadlines because venues and caterers need to have a good idea of final numbers well before the event – otherwise, you run the risk of ordering too little or too much.  A deadline is there for a reason and not just because I feel like pushing people to register (well there’s a little bit of that).


You create a compelling agenda, you offer partners the opportunity to get involved, you provide a variety of package options, something for every budget and you build something you feel is of value to partners as well as your own staff, clients and SLT – but still nobody wants to commit to supporting your event.  Why don’t people want to commit to something that could, if leveraged properly, actually bring a clear demonstrable ROI? When I say correctly leveraged, I mean, you can’t just sit back at a table and hope for the best.  Networking and pre-event-marketing is key, and yet, so many people walk away from an event complaining that they didn’t get much from it, when they weren’t willing to put in any effort.  What do you want to get out of the event? If the packages aren’t exactly suitable, can we negotiate? Speak to me! Sometimes a quick no is better than a drawn out yes.

And why is it that when they do verbally agree, look excited about the opportunity, they take forever to return the paperwork – leaving you wondering if they are sponsoring or not.  It’s so unhelpful from a planning, financial and from a promotional perspective.  If you leave it too late to confirm, there’s very little we can do to help you with the pre-event marketing that is so important.

The last minute, unexpected, high ticket items

The most infuriating thing for me is the unexpected invoice, for something you need and have planned for, but you were never informed you’d have to pay for.  “How can that happen?” I hear you ask, well, when it was delivered the year before for free, why am I paying for it this year? Suddenly the tight budget you’re already trying to perform miracles with, is even more stretched.

The unexpected invoice can create havoc with your event and leave you unable to bring that final finesse to your event, the things that leave a memorable imprint and will hopefully aid in them registering again next year.

Sickness or the dreaded “C” word

I don’t want to mention the C word – we lived and breathed it for long enough, but sickness is definitely still an uncontrollable factor.  Speakers, delegates, or even worse – me!  This is where ensuring you have complete transparency of the event is essential.  Knowing I 100% plan to be there, but if I’m not, the show will still go on is invaluable.  For speakers, if they’re internal speakers, can someone cover them? – I wouldn’t want to go as far as creating understudies, but if the presentation has been written well in advance of the event, with good notes, hopefully someone can cover.

When it comes to your external speakers not turning up though, this is a different matter entirely.  There’s not a lot you can do, other than be ready to make some quick agenda shifts and have a system and app in place that can manage everything in real-time, so the damage is limited.

Acts of God

Okay, here I absolutely admit defeat – there’s clearly nothing I can complain about when something happens that I would definitely never be able to control!

So what’s the answer?  Well, as an event planner, I need to have one thing in my toolbox that I can control. That one thing that is easy to use, intuitive and actually allows me to have everything I can control in one place – my event management system.  I can track how much revenue I’m making from the event (yes, this is one of the most important things I look at), I can change agendas, presenters and rooms in real time – and even, better, this syncs immediately with my mobile app – so even when I’ve had to do it in the middle of an event, the change was seamless.  I can add and remove sponsors and of course, all importantly I can send all communications out from one place – everything within my control, in one place, in one platform, always accessible, the one constant within my ever changing event management role.

Event planning will always remain my favourite part of marketing and yes, I’ll never be able to control everything, but it’s reassuring to know at least one (fairly big area) is covered and always stable.

Tracy Ryan is a marketing professional with over 30 years’ experience in strategic marketing planning, marketing communications and campaign management across regional, pan-EMEA and international roles. She is currently Head of EMEA Marketing at Simpleview, a software, creative and data insights company that partners with destinations and their agencies to engage stakeholders, attract visitors and win bids for conventions and events. Since joining the company in January 2022, Tracy has focused on increasing awareness for the Simpleview and Eventsforce brands across EMEA, growing the EMEA marketing function and creating a compelling EMEA marketing strategy that contributes to the growth of the business.

Prior to joining Simpleview, Tracy was Chief Marketing Officer at Natterbox, an exciting telephony scale-up, where she increased sales pipeline by 123% and ran account based marketing programs to create brand advocates across their international accounts. She has also held senior marketing positions at Faethm AI, Telogis, Websense and BEA Systems.

Running an event, want to boost your attendee engagement, and need a mobile app?
Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now


A place for everything: organising event data for future success


At last, January is over and, with that, the relief that comes with making it through the first month of the year. As an event planner, your focus is now firmly fixed on the months ahead and while you’ve already got a lot on your plate, good data management can help make your life a lot easier. In our last post, we reminded you exactly why data management is worth caring about and now, as we round the curve into February, it’s time to explore exactly how — by carefully organising event data — you can clear your path to success.

Step 1: Actively Audit Before Organising Event Data

Behind each event — behind the artistry of every talented planner — there’s nothing but hard data. Simply put, a planner’s role is to capture and analyse the data generated by each and every one of their endeavours, all while building on that information to create future event success. Data management is an inherent part of the job and, as such, knowing exactly how best to organise all of these many streams of information is crucial to a planner’s work.

But with so much data in hand, the challenge of organising event data is knowing exactly where to begin. As a first step, you as a planner should consider the following questions:

    1. What data do I have? This could be anything from names, emails, stats, figures, etc. But on this point, it’s also worth thinking about where your information is currently stored (i.e., in a spreadsheet, in your event management system, an app, CRM, finance system or even entirely offline, etc.) and, importantly, its age. After all, there’s no point in keeping and organising data if it’s out of date.
  • What data do I need? Once you begin to audit the information that you already hold, you’ll likely find that you’ve collected information that you simply don’t need in order to successfully execute your next event. Not only is holding extraneous data a drain on your time and resources, but its continued retention could breach GDPR regulations, thereby putting your organisation and your reputation as a planner at risk. But before you deem any unused information superfluous, it’s also important to bear in mind any details that can help you to effectively report back on your activities to your stakeholders.
  • Are the sources of my data reliable and can I glean insight from this data? Do you trust the information you have and is it current and compliant with any relevant data regulations? If not, it will be impossible to gain the insight you need to build future events. And — perhaps more to the point — if you can’t understand and make sense of the data you’ve collected, it’s impossible to use that information to plan for event success.

Step 2: Organising event data in-real time

Once you have a good feel for the data you’ve already got, the data you need and, of course, the overall integrity of the information you currently hold, you can then make a start on organising event data in a way that makes sense to you. This is a key point because you — and your close colleagues — will be the ones to most frequently access and use the data you capture. As a planner — in addition to managing the data you already have — you have the added challenge of capturing and organising event data in real-time, as and when your event unfolds. To that end, think about all the systems, tools and points of contact that you use in the course of every event; there’s registration, check-in and payment systems to consider as well as apps, surveys and social platforms — not to mention the tools you rely on for audience engagement, networking, web analytics, etc.

Even in a best case scenario, you’re responsible for multiple sets and streams of data. This being the case, it’s logical to try and capture this information via systems that are linked to and automatically share information with each other. For example, if you’re planning an event for an association-type group, it would make sense to integrate your event management and your membership systems so that automatic membership checks are already integrated into your registration process. This dispenses with the need for manual checks, thus saving you and your team precious time.

Building on this example, by integrating this information, it means that members of your membership team — in the case of larger associations — will always see accurate data. Imagine: had you not synchronised these two systems, you would have had to manually report the latest data back to your membership team. As an added bonus, linking these systems also means that stakeholders are kept up-to-speed with regards to the activities of both members and non-members around your events. This in turn means that they can make expert and informed decisions in terms of how your activities as a planner could impact and hopefully increase overall engagement. It’s only one example, but it shows the level of insight that can be gained — and likewise, the results that can be achieved — by smart data management.

Congratulations — we’ve made it to February. And now, with these data organisation tips to hand, the path to future event success is just that much easier to navigate.

Running live, virtual or hybrid events? Struggling with organising event data? Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

AI Beyond Imagination: Contemplating the Events Landscape 50 Years from Now


What is the future of events? You only have to read the news to confirm that the advancement of technology is a clear given.  With that in mind, could the future of the events industry be limited only by our imaginations?  No one knows what time may bring, but half a century from now, it’s certain that profound technological innovation will have radically changed the experiences and expectations of event professionals and the audiences they serve. Join us as we delve into the scenarios and experiences that could shape the landscape of the event sector in the years to come.

Virtual Reality Extravaganzas

Virtual reality (VR) will revolutionise the delegate experience of future events. By donning VR headsets, attendees will be able to transcend physical boundaries by transporting themselves to any location — even to a fictional world. From attending global conferences from the comfort of their homes to exploring simulated environments, VR will offer attendees unlimited possibilities for engagement and connectivity from the comfort of their own home.

Holographic Presenters and Performances

Imagine a future where holographic technology brings renowned speakers and beloved performers back to life — even making it possible for attendees to meet and interact with long-gone icons and celebrities.  The incorporation of holographic technology will bring an ethereal touch to events, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural while enhancing the individual event experience.  We can already see this kind of thing starting with Abba Voyage at the O2.

Brain-Computer Interfaces

Advancements in brain-computer interfaces will unlock new dimensions of engagement at events. In the future, attendees could use this technology to control lights, sounds, and visuals with their thoughts, creating an interactive and immersive environment of their own making. From shaping the atmosphere of a room to controlling the flow of presentations, the power of the mind will transform events into deeply personalised and truly unique experiences.

AI-Powered Personal Assistants

Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in the future event experience.  AI-powered personal assistants could be used to anticipate delegates’ needs, provide real-time information, and offer personalised recommendations. These virtual companions will also enhance networking opportunities, facilitate seamless navigation through complex venues, and provide instant translations for global multi-language events.

Sustainable and Self-Sufficient Event Spaces

Future event spaces will be designed with sustainability in mind.  As such, these venues will feature advanced energy-capturing systems, self-sustaining ecosystems, and smart waste management facilities.  In these spaces, technology and nature will merge seamlessly and harmoniously.

Augmented Reality Networking

Augmented reality (AR) will transform the event networking experience. By donning AR glasses or contact lenses, attendees will be able to instantly view real-time information about their fellow attendees. These AR overlays will display information concerning delegates’ professional backgrounds and shared interests, details that will help to foster meaningful connections and enhance the overall networking potential of events.

Interactive Multi-Sensory Experiences

In order to create unforgettable experiences, events of the future will engage all the senses. Advanced haptic or tactile feedback systems will enable attendees to feel textures, vibrations, and even temperatures while Smell-O-Vision technology will allow scents to be incorporated into environments to enhance and even deepen the emotional feedback of any given event.

While there is no real crystal ball to see into the future, the possibilities for the development of the event industry are boundless.  Fifty years from now, the sector will be shaped by advances made in virtual reality, holographic technology, brain-computer interfaces, AI companions, sustainable spaces, augmented reality, and multi-sensory experiences.  As these technologies continue to evolve, we can look forward to memorable, meaningful, and valuable experiences —  occasions that challenge our imagination to create the kind of transformative moments that resonate for a lifetime.


Running live, virtual or hybrid events?
Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

Eventsforce Launches a New Mobile App Designed to Drive Event Planning Success


LONDON, UK — Eventsforce, powered by Simpleview, has released the Eventsforce mobile app — a scalable event app solution designed to drive event planning success. The new mobile app utilizes an upgraded technology stack to help inspire, engage, and connect event attendees.

Eventsforce, an intuitive, all-in-one solution that can scale to meet your ever-changing event portfolio needs, created the mobile app to engage attendees and drive event success. Whether you’re running simple events, tradeshows, or multi-stream conferences — the new app gives users everything needed to drive attendee participation and build lasting relationships while reducing reliance on the traditional paper program guide.

The app benefits event attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, organizers, and everyone in between by boasting the following key features:

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use
  • Integration with all major AMS/CRM and event management systems
  • Mobile and desktop access
  • Advanced QR code scanning features
  • Capability to boost attendee engagement with gamification and engagement features
  • The ability for attendees to create personalized schedules, connect with other attendees and sponsors, and stay up-to-date

On the event planner’s end, the app can be used for:

  • Engaging sponsors and exhibitors
  • Controlling all aspects of the event, including branding, content, and menus
  • Lead scanning for exhibitors and sponsors
  • Revenue-generation and analytics reporting

“The future of event tech is all about creating personalized and engaging experiences for attendees,” said VP of Growth Andrius Remeikis. “Our newly launched mobile app is designed to help event planners do just that, by providing them with the tools needed to connect with attendees on a deeper level and drive business outcomes.”

Give attendees a mobile event experience they’ll remember, before, during, and after the event, with technology they can rely on.


Don’t miss out. Find out more and get in touch!

Mastering the Fine Art of Communication with Event Stakeholders

Event Stakeholders in a meeting

As an event planner, you always aim to please, especially when it comes to your stakeholders.  Be they clients, sponsors, vendors or delegates, the key to their contentment lies in your ability to effectively communicate with your stakeholders before, during and after the planning process.  Regardless of the type or size of the event you’re planning, this blog will uncover the strategies you need to keep your stakeholders happy and on your side, all while creating memorable, meaningful and valuable events.

  1. Identify Your Stakeholders

First and foremost, clearly identify your stakeholders and, even better, work to understand both their roles and their expectations of your activities as a planner.  These first steps will go a long way to ensuring a smooth flow of communication between yourself and the stakeholders you serve.

  1. Establish Clear Objectives

Next, you’ll need to set clear objectives for your event.  Take the time to share these with your stakeholders so that you can ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding your event’s purpose, goals, and expected outcomes.

  1. Choose the Right Communication Channels

It almost goes without saying, but different stakeholders may likewise prefer different communication channels.  Take the time to consider these personal preferences and tailor your approach accordingly.  While the conventional channels of email, in-person meetings or phone calls may work for some, other stakeholders might prefer to use project management software and/or collaboration tools to streamline communication and provide a centralised platform for updates and discussions.

  1. Open and Honest Communication

Choosing the best channel for communicating with your stakeholders is one thing, but there should never be any doubt about the tone and manner in which you interact with them. Be open and honest with your stakeholders at all times, even if — and especially when — there are challenges or delays to your plans. This kind of transparency builds trust and shows your commitment to delivering a successful event.

  1. Develop a Communication Plan

It also helps to create a comprehensive communication plan that outlines when, how, and to what level of detail you’ll communicate to stakeholders throughout your planning process. This should also incorporate timings for regular progress updates, important milestones and any plans for contingency communications to address any changes to the scope or budget of your event.

  1. Cultivate the Art of Active Listening

A little bit of active listening — that is, listening with an intent to fully understand and engage with the perspective of your stakeholders — can go a long way to improve communication.  For you as an event planner, this means taking the time to fully engage with the feedback, concerns or suggestions of your stakeholders — and sometimes even asking questions of your own to get total clarity and understanding of their views.  By actively listening, you not only demonstrate respect for your stakeholders and the input they have to offer, but stand to gain positive insight that can allow you to fine tune your decisions as a planner.

  1. Adapt to Their Needs

This same set of active listening skills can also be used to understand the unique and varied needs and expectations of each stakeholder group. For example, your sponsors may be interested in ROI metrics while your attendees might care more about the overall event experience.  Once you understand the needs of each group, you can tailor your communication accordingly.

  1. Conduct Regular Meetings

Regular stakeholder meetings — whether they are in-person or virtual — are absolutely crucial in keeping all parties aligned and informed.  Regardless of the format they take, consistency in scheduling these helps to establish a sense of routine and reliability.

  1. Record and Document Everything

When interacting with stakeholders, it’s important to keep detailed and up-to-date records of all communications, decisions, and agreements.  If needed, this documentation can serve as a reference point to help resolve any disputes or misunderstandings that may arise.

  1. Celebrate Successes, Learn from Mistakes

When your event goes well, be sure to share that success with your stakeholders and take the time to acknowledge their contributions while thanking them for their involvement in your undertaking.  While success is certainly easy to celebrate, it’s just as important to acknowledge when things haven’t gone so well.  In these instances, you should be ready to conduct a post-event evaluation alongside your stakeholders, using those active listening skills to identify points of improvement for any future events.

As a planner, you know that communication is a fine and subtle art, especially when multiple diverse parties are involved.  Regardless of who they are or what they want, the key to stakeholder happiness lies in your ability to communicate honestly and effectively with them throughout the entirety of the planning process.  This is a tactic that not only fosters an atmosphere of trust and reliability, but a sound strategy that can help you move toward event success time and time again.

Running live, virtual or hybrid events? Want to maiximise event success with a better understanding of your key event metrics? Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

The Key Event Metrics Every Time-Poor Planner Should Track

Woman looking at key event metrics

Event metrics: As an event planner, you know a thing or two about being busy.  But when you’re caught up in so many different priorities, tasks and details, it’s easy to lose focus on your broader operations and, more importantly, how the data you generate via the events you create can be used to make your life much easier.  By knowing exactly which key event metrics or pieces of information you need to track, you’ll not only help to streamline your event operations, but save yourself that most precious of commodities: time.  In this blog, we’ll filter through a sea of data to identify the key event metrics you should track at each and every event and, more importantly, consider how this information can enhance your chances of creating a memorable, meaningful and valuable event.

  1. Attendee Registration and Ticket Sales

First and foremost, every planner should be tracking both the number of attendees as well as the ticket sales associated with any event.  When it comes to the following fundamental metrics, you should always track the following:

  • Registration rate: Take care to measure the percentage of website visitors who convert into registered attendees.
  • Pricing Strategies: Track the effectiveness of your tiered pricing structures, discounts and promo codes.
  • Revenue generated: Keep a close eye on ticket sales to ensure you’re meeting set revenue goals.
  1. Event Metrics – Marketing ROI

Effective marketing is absolutely crucial to the success of any event and with that in mind, be sure to capture the following key metrics:

  • Cost per acquisition (CPA): This calculation offers an insight into how much it costs to acquire each attendee through your marketing efforts.
  • Return on investment (ROI): This enables you to assess the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by comparing the revenue generated versus your marketing spend for every event.
  • Conversion rate: From this metric, you can analyse how well different marketing channels (email, social media, advertising, etc.) enable you to convert leads into attendees.
  1. Engagement Metrics

As every planner knows, audience engagement is key to creating memorable events.  By tracking the following key metrics, you’ll have a deeper insight into how engaged your delegates are with your event activity:

  • Social media engagement: Monitor likes, shares, comments, and event-related hashtags to gauge and — if needed — to increase the buzz around your event.
  • Email open and click-through rates: Keep an eye on these in order to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns in engaging potential attendees.
  • Session attendance: By gauging the number of attendees in every session, you can actively  evaluate the popularity of certain pieces of content, enabling you to create better-tailored events in the future.
  1. Vendor and Supplier Performance – the Key Event Metrics

Vendor relationships can make or break an event and so it’s worth keeping an eye on:

  • Vendor ratings and feedback: Collect feedback from attendees and assess vendor performance.
  • Budget adherence: Ensure vendors are staying within budget and not causing unexpected expenses.
  • Timeliness and reliability: Track how well vendors meet set deadlines and if they honour their contractual commitments to you.
  1. Attendee Satisfaction

Attendee satisfaction is the ultimate testament of event success and so it’s well-worth collecting feedback and tracking the following metrics:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): This piece of data measures attendee loyalty and the likelihood of your delegates recommending your event to their peers.
  • Satisfaction scores: These metrics are used by attendees to rate various aspects of your event, including speakers, sessions, venue and overall experience.
  • Post-event engagement: This metric gauges how delegates continue to engage with the content of your event even after it’s over.
  1. Registration and Check-in Efficiency

As a planner, you know that time is like gold dust and so it makes sense to keep an eye on the following key pieces of data:

  • Registration completion time: This measures the average time it takes for attendees to complete your registration process.
  • Check-in duration: This metric tracks how long it takes attendees to check in at your event.
  • Queue length and wait times: Use these details to optimise the check-in process and to shorten the time attendees spend waiting in a queue.

Keeping tabs on multiple priorities, overseeing every last detail — as an event planner, you’re well-versed in doing many things at once.  But let data guide your efforts and sharpen your focus; by tracking these key metrics, you’ll be increasingly more efficient at planning successful, impactful events and — what’s more — you may even find that you have more of that most precious commodity: time.



Running live, virtual or hybrid events? Want to maiximise event success with a better understanding of your key event metrics? Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

How Attendees and Planners Can Benefit from a Streamlined Registration Process


As a profession, event planning is rewarding and exhilarating in equal measure, but this is a calling that often comes with its own unique challenges.  For example, as any planner will tell you, an efficient registration process is one of the most critical aspects of any event.  After all, a seamless registration process not only makes for a positive attendee experience, but eases a planner’s workload.  But achieving this win-win scenario takes considerable thought and so in this blog, we’ll consider the tools and strategies that planners can use to simplify their registration process, all while reaping the benefits of a more streamlined system.

Utilise Online Registration Platforms

The days of paper registration forms and manual data entry are thankfully long gone and today’s planners can now take their pick from among a wide variety of online registration platforms.  This transition has ensured that registration is almost guaranteed to be quick and hassle-free.  What’s more, these platforms enable planners to customise their registration forms, to send automated confirmation emails and also to accept payments online.  Even better, these many platforms are built to integrate with a wider suite of event management tools, making it easier for planners to track and gather valuable data.

Streamline Your Forms, Tailor Your Questions, Maximise Your Registration Process

While online platforms have contributed considerably to the simplification of the wider registration process, planners should still approach the design of their registration form with care and thought.  Try to keep your design simple and concise and only ask your delegates for the most essential details (i.e., their names and contact information).  When creating your form, consider incorporating conditional logic into your wording so that delegates only see questions relevant to them.

For example, as part of your registration process, you may be asking delegates if they require accommodation and flights. If they answer ‘no’ the form will simply move onto the next question.  However, if they answer ‘yes’, they will be asked questions pertinent to their hotel and flight requirements — questions that would have been of no interest to delegates who don’t require these details.

But above all, when creating your form, the more straightforward it is, the more likely it is that delegates will complete it without frustration.

Different Registration Options, Different Delegates

As a planner, it’s also worth offering various registration options to suit the needs of different groups of delegates during the registration process.  For example, you’ll want to tailor your registration options to take into account delegates who have taken advantage of concessions such as early bird pricing, group discounts or different ticket types (VIP, general admission, etc.). Offering flexibility in registration allows attendees to choose the option that best suits their needs as delegates.

Utilise Mobile-Friendly Registration for Maximum Reassurance

Using a digital platform for registration is one thing, but ensuring that your event registration process is mobile-friendly is quite something else.  By using responsive design to build your registration pages, you have the reassurance that your attendees will be able to register for your event from any device.

Accept and Integrate Online Payments

Your chosen registration platform may well enable you to accept payment for your event and by integrating this with secure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Square, you can help to streamline the payment process.  By taking the foresight to include this kind of facility, your attendees can pay instantly, a point that reduces the need for manual payment processing.

Use Automation to Full Effect in Your Registration Process

Automation is a game-changer for event planners.  When utilised efficiently, it can help to free a planner from some of their more mundane tasks.  For example, automated confirmation emails can be set up to be sent to delegates immediately after they sign up for your event.  If needed, you can also schedule automated reminders to be sent to delegates closer to the date of your event.  This strategy reduces the likelihood of no-shows and ensures that attendees have all the necessary information they need prior to the start of your event.

Provide Dedicated Customer Support

Bear in mind that — even with a streamlined registration process — some of your attendees may encounter unexpected issues or have additional questions.  In these instances, it’s worth making sure that you can direct delegates to a dedicated customer support team to help resolve any queries.

Analyse Post-Event Data for the Future

Just as you would with any other element of your event, take the time to gather and analyse your registration data along with any feedback you receive on your registration process.  You may even consider conducting post-event surveys to collect attendee insight.  Use this data to identify areas of improvement and to refine registration for future events.

An essential for planners and attendees alike, registration is one of the most critical parts of any event.  With foresight and care, planners can simplify and streamline the process, a move that not only eases their work, but one that helps to create a memorable, meaningful and valuable event experience.


Running live, virtual or hybrid events? Want to maiximise event success and have the best registration process possible? Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.