Category: Industry Trends

AI Beyond Imagination: Contemplating the Events Landscape 50 Years from Now


What is the future of events? You only have to read the news to confirm that the advancement of technology is a clear given.  With that in mind, could the future of the events industry be limited only by our imaginations?  No one knows what time may bring, but half a century from now, it’s certain that profound technological innovation will have radically changed the experiences and expectations of event professionals and the audiences they serve. Join us as we delve into the scenarios and experiences that could shape the landscape of the event sector in the years to come.

Virtual Reality Extravaganzas

Virtual reality (VR) will revolutionise the delegate experience of future events. By donning VR headsets, attendees will be able to transcend physical boundaries by transporting themselves to any location — even to a fictional world. From attending global conferences from the comfort of their homes to exploring simulated environments, VR will offer attendees unlimited possibilities for engagement and connectivity from the comfort of their own home.

Holographic Presenters and Performances

Imagine a future where holographic technology brings renowned speakers and beloved performers back to life — even making it possible for attendees to meet and interact with long-gone icons and celebrities.  The incorporation of holographic technology will bring an ethereal touch to events, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural while enhancing the individual event experience.  We can already see this kind of thing starting with Abba Voyage at the O2.

Brain-Computer Interfaces

Advancements in brain-computer interfaces will unlock new dimensions of engagement at events. In the future, attendees could use this technology to control lights, sounds, and visuals with their thoughts, creating an interactive and immersive environment of their own making. From shaping the atmosphere of a room to controlling the flow of presentations, the power of the mind will transform events into deeply personalised and truly unique experiences.

AI-Powered Personal Assistants

Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in the future event experience.  AI-powered personal assistants could be used to anticipate delegates’ needs, provide real-time information, and offer personalised recommendations. These virtual companions will also enhance networking opportunities, facilitate seamless navigation through complex venues, and provide instant translations for global multi-language events.

Sustainable and Self-Sufficient Event Spaces

Future event spaces will be designed with sustainability in mind.  As such, these venues will feature advanced energy-capturing systems, self-sustaining ecosystems, and smart waste management facilities.  In these spaces, technology and nature will merge seamlessly and harmoniously.

Augmented Reality Networking

Augmented reality (AR) will transform the event networking experience. By donning AR glasses or contact lenses, attendees will be able to instantly view real-time information about their fellow attendees. These AR overlays will display information concerning delegates’ professional backgrounds and shared interests, details that will help to foster meaningful connections and enhance the overall networking potential of events.

Interactive Multi-Sensory Experiences

In order to create unforgettable experiences, events of the future will engage all the senses. Advanced haptic or tactile feedback systems will enable attendees to feel textures, vibrations, and even temperatures while Smell-O-Vision technology will allow scents to be incorporated into environments to enhance and even deepen the emotional feedback of any given event.

While there is no real crystal ball to see into the future, the possibilities for the development of the event industry are boundless.  Fifty years from now, the sector will be shaped by advances made in virtual reality, holographic technology, brain-computer interfaces, AI companions, sustainable spaces, augmented reality, and multi-sensory experiences.  As these technologies continue to evolve, we can look forward to memorable, meaningful, and valuable experiences —  occasions that challenge our imagination to create the kind of transformative moments that resonate for a lifetime.


Running live, virtual or hybrid events?
Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

The Benefits and Challenges of Integrating AI into Event Planning

A robot on a laptop, managing an event.


The rise of AI, and the challenge of integrating AI into event planning — including the advent of advanced language models like ChatGPT — has been a new-found source of innovation and creativity for the events industry.  While these technologies offer solutions to many of the common challenges faced by planners, their use also raises a number of concerns and questions.  With that thought in mind, it’s time to consider and explore the benefits and the challenges of this technology as it’s currently used by professionals within the planning industry.

Beyond Increased Efficiency and Data Analysis: The Pros of Integrating AI into Event Planning

Efficient Task Management: When it comes to routine tasks like sending invitations, managing RSVPs, and scheduling, AI technology is a real boon — a tool that can be readily used by planners to free up their time to focus on the more strategic and creative aspects of event planning.

Personalised Experiences: ChatGPT can be utilised to offer attendees an enhanced level of personalisation via the creation of bespoke responses and recommendations based on their unique preferences. This means enhanced attendee engagement and satisfaction with very little effort on the part of event planners.

Data Analysis and Insights: AI can analyse data from past events, social media trends, and surveys to provide valuable insights. This data-driven approach allows planners to make informed decisions on the design, timing, and content of their future events.

24/7 Assistance: ChatGPT can be used to provide instant responses to attendee queries — even outside of regular working hours. This ensures that attendees receive information as and when they need it, thus enhancing their overall experience.

Creativity and Innovation: AI can also be used as a tool for ideation, thus assisting planners with the all-important task of generating fresh and innovative event concepts. This synthesis of human creativity and AI-generated ideas is something that can lead to exceptional event experiences.

Cost Efficiency: By automating various routine tasks like the sending of invitations and RSVPs, event planners can reduce their operational costs.  In this manner, AI is a management tool that can help to optimise budgets and, likewise, to identify cost-effective suppliers.

Concerns Over Privacy and a Steep Learning Curve: The Limitations of AI for Planners

Loss of Personal Touch: To some extent, AI can be used to create personalised responses, but it — certainly at the present — lacks the genuine warmth and empathy that can only come from direct human interaction.

Misinterpretation of Context: It’s worth being aware that ChatGPT’s responses can sometimes be based on context that it — as a chatbot — is unable process.  Therefore, the system may generate inaccurate or possibly even inappropriate responses, something that can potentially harm the reputation of your event.

Technical Glitches: Relying heavily on AI technology can lead to technical glitches and event downtime. It’s worth considering that, should your chosen system fail, important information might not reach your attendees in a timely manner.

Privacy Concerns: Collecting and analysing attendee data raises privacy concerns.  As such, it’s important to strike a balance between personalisation and privacy in order to maintain trust.

Limited Creativity: AI-generated ideas might lack the depth of human creativity and the deeper emotional resonance that can help you, as a planner, to authentically connect with your audience.  It’s worth considering that an overreliance on AI for the creative aspects of your event could result in generic and even uninspiring themes and concepts.

Learning Curve: Integrating AI and ChatGPT into event planning can make for a steep learning curve for event planners and attendees alike. This can create an unpleasant sense of frustration among both parties, something that can detract from the overall experience of an event.

As a burgeoning technology, the rise of AI has proven to be a ready source of innovation for the wider events industry.  But as with any new technology, it should be utilised with judicious care and caution.  Savvy planners know that while AI can be a helpful tool in building a memorable, meaningful, and valuable experience, it can’t replicate the unique warmth and authentic feel that the human touch brings to the design, build, and outcome of each and every event.


Running live, virtual or hybrid events? Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity: A Guide for Event Planners


As a tangible concept, diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) is an essential principle in any thriving and harmonious society. As event planners, we strive to create inclusive environments, to build spaces that celebrate and embrace people in all their glorious diversity.  By putting DEI at the heart of our events, we not only enhance the attendee experience, but also play an active part in shaping a more inclusive and equitable society.  This blog explores the many practical ways planners can champion DEI to make a positive impact on their attendees and the wider world.

Cultivate a Diverse Team:

Embracing diversity starts with your team. A diverse team — one comprised of individuals from contrasting backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and perspectives — ensures that a wide range of ideas are effortlessly included in your planning process.

Identify the Purpose and Audience of Your Event:

Before beginning your planning process in earnest, it’s crucial that you understand both the purpose of your event and your chosen audience.  Conduct surveys, gather feedback, and use this data to identify their specific needs and preferences.

Inclusive Language and Communication:

Language plays a significant role in creating an inclusive environment.  Choose inclusive pronouns, promote gender-neutral language, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities. Use accessible materials and media — such as providing information in different languages or in alternative formats — to ensure that your event is accessible to everyone.

Collaborate with Diverse Speakers and Performers:

Speakers and performers are the face of your event and so it makes sense to collaborate with individuals of diverse perspectives and backgrounds. These varied voices will bring unique insights and experiences to your event, something that will help to enrich its content and messaging.

Accessible Event Venues:

Select venues that are accessible to everyone. Ensure that your location has ramps and lifts as well as accessible toilets and seating areas.  Remember: accessibility isn’t just about compliance, but about creating an inclusive space for all of your attendees.

Consider Dietary Preferences and Restrictions:

Food is an integral part of every event.  When considering your catering, bear in mind diverse dietary preferences and take care to offer vegan, halal, kosher, and gluten-free menus as well as a vegetarian option.

Establish an Inclusivity Policy:

Develop a clear and cohesive DEI policy for your events.  Take the time to share this policy with your team, your vendors, and your attendees in order to set expectations and create a positive atmosphere.  Encourage post-event feedback on your policy and be open to making improvements based on any received comments.

Diverse Entertainment and Activities:

Incorporate a wide range of entertainment and activities that appeal to an equally diverse range of interests. From cultural performances to interactive workshops, a varied entertainment programme ensures that attendees can engage in experiences that resonate with them on a personal level.

Offer Scholarships and Reduced-Fee Tickets:

Consider offering scholarships or reduced-fee tickets, something that can help to promote greater accessibility and diversity at your event.

Create Safe Spaces:

Last but not least, foster an atmosphere of safety and respect. Implement a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, or offensive behaviour. Train your team to handle sensitive situations with empathy and professionalism.

As event planners, we possess the power to shape experiences and leave lasting impressions on attendees. By consciously incorporating and championing DEI at each and every event, we can create environments where all individuals feel valued, respected, and welcomed.  After all, embracing these principles not only enriches the overall event experience but also contributes to building a more compassionate and harmonious world for all.

Running live, virtual or hybrid events?
Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

Ensuring Safety and Security at Events: A Comprehensive Guide for Planners


In light of recent protests by the “Just Stop Oil” group at Wimbledon and the Ashes, we take a look at some key points to consider when it comes to safety and event security.  As planners, we have a crucial responsibility in ensuring the safety of those who attend our events — regardless of their size or nature.  With security measures playing such a key part in the planning process, this blog will explore the best practice guidelines that all planners should follow to ensure that each and every event takes place in a safe and secure environment.

Conduct Thorough Risk Assessments

Before organising an event, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify any and all potential hazards or security vulnerabilities.  This assessment should take into account points such as venue infrastructure and crowd management strategies as well as threats posed by natural disasters, terrorism, and medical emergencies.  Technological threats — such as data breaches and information security incidents — should also be considered during the course of any risk assessment process.

Collaborate with Venue Authorities

A strong relationship with the on-site staff at your chosen venue is crucial in ensuring that your event unfolds safely.  As a planner, you should take the time to make yourself aware of the venue’s existing security measures and emergency response protocols along with any other site-specific evacuation plans.  Direct collaboration with on-site staff can help to address any additional safety requirements specific to your event.  Regular communication with the venue will help you align your plans with their existing infrastructure, ensuring a seamless integration of safety and security measures.  For planners in the UK, it’s also worth being aware of the requirements placed upon venues by Martyn’s Law, a piece of legislation that has been enacted to offer greater protection against acts of terrorism.

Implement Crowd Management Strategies

Crowd control and management is a significant challenge at events, but the following points can help to mitigate the dangers potentially posed by overcrowding — and especially the threat posed by overcrowding in an emergency situation:

  1. Clearly marked exits and evacuation routes: Ensure that exits and evacuation routes are clearly signposted and easily accessible throughout the venue.
  2. Well-trained security personnel: Hire trained security personnel who are experienced in crowd management and emergency response. They should be positioned strategically to monitor and control crowd movement.
  3. Controlled access points: Use fencing, barriers, and ticketing systems to regulate entry and prevent unauthorised access. This helps in managing crowd flow and maintaining security.
  4. Communication systems: Establish effective communication systems among event staff, security personnel, and emergency services. This ensures a prompt response in case of any security-related incidents.

Create Emergency Response Plans

It’s also important to prepare detailed emergency response plans in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. These plans should include protocols for various scenarios, such as medical emergencies, fires, natural disasters, and security threats. Key components of an emergency response plan should include:

  1.  Evacuation procedures: Clearly define evacuation routes and communicate them to attendees. Conduct drills and rehearsals to familiarise staff and volunteers with the evacuation procedures.
  2. Medical support: Arrange for medical personnel, first aid stations, and emergency medical services on-site. Train event staff in basic first aid and CPR.  Ensure that any on-site medical equipment (i.e. defibrillators) is in good working order.
  3.  Communication protocols: Establish a centralised communication system to disseminate critical information to attendees, staff, and emergency services during an emergency. This might include public address systems, text messaging services, or mobile applications.
  4. Collaboration with local authorities: Maintain open communication with local law enforcement, fire departments, and other relevant authorities. They can provide guidance and support during emergencies.

Enhance Technological Security Measures

Incorporate technological solutions to enhance security measures at events. Some best practices include:

  1.  Video surveillance: Install CCTV cameras in strategic locations to monitor crowd behaviour and identify potential security threats.
  2.  Access control systems: Utilise access control measures, such as ticketing systems, ID checks, or wristbands, to ensure only authorised individuals enter restricted areas.
  3.  Cybersecurity: Safeguard digital systems and networks by implementing robust cybersecurity measures. Protect attendee information and prevent unauthorised access to sensitive data.
  4. Mobile applications: Develop event-specific mobile applications that provide attendees with real-time updates, emergency notifications, and a means to report suspicious activities.

Prioritising safety and security is a crucial aspect of any successful event. By taking a considered, multifaceted, and comprehensive approach, event planners can mitigate potential risks and dangers to provide a safe environment for attendees, delegates, and exhibitors alike.


Running live, virtual or hybrid events?
Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

Embracing Sustainability: Unveiling the UK’s Top Ten Most Sustainable Event Venues

As we move ever closer to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the awareness of sustainability has never been more pronounced.  The event industry, of course, is no exception to this, with both organisers and attendees striving to reduce their carbon footprints and to adapt more sustainable habits and practices.  In fact, at a recent event attended by Eventsforce, an entire discussion was dedicated to debating the possible discontinuation of live events as a format and the consideration of a future in which more sustainable remote events are simply the industry norm.

While that is certainly still open to debate, a clear path for event professionals looking to commit more firmly to this ethos is to partner with a venue that makes a point of prioritising sustainability.  Here in the UK, many venues are leading the way by implementing innovative strategies and technology to create sustainable spaces.  These are the nation’s top ten most sustainable event venues, places that have put sustainable practices at the very core of their operations.

The Crystal – London:

Located in London’s Royal Docks, The Crystal is a stunning example of sustainable architecture. This iconic venue utilises solar power, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient technologies to reduce its environmental footprint. The Crystal also offers comprehensive recycling and waste management systems, making it an ideal choice for eco-conscious event organisers.

The Eden Project – Cornwall:

Nestled in Cornwall’s picturesque landscape, The Eden Project is a true marvel. This unique venue showcases sustainable development principles and houses the world’s largest indoor rainforest. The venue’s commitment to sustainability extends to its event operations, which include renewable energy sources, water conservation measures, and a focus on locally sourced and organic catering.

Manchester Central Convention Complex – Manchester:

As one of the UK’s greenest event venues, Manchester Central Convention Complex prioritises sustainability throughout its operations. The venue has implemented extensive energy-saving initiatives, waste management systems, and even offers electric vehicle charging points. With its commitment to environmental responsibility, Manchester Central Convention Complex provides a blueprint for sustainable event hosting.

Brighton Dome – Brighton:

Located in the vibrant city of Brighton, Brighton Dome is a cultural venue renowned for its commitment to sustainability. This historic venue boasts numerous eco-friendly features, including a green roof, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient lighting systems. Brighton Dome is an inspiring choice for events seeking to combine artistic expression with environmental consciousness.

The Barbican Centre – London:

As one of Europe’s largest arts and conference venues, The Barbican Centre in London takes sustainability seriously. The venue has implemented a range of energy-saving measures, waste management programmes, and sustainable catering options. The Barbican Centre is a testament to how large-scale event spaces can successfully integrate sustainability into their operations.

The ICC Belfast – Belfast:

The ICC Belfast is a leading event venue in Northern Ireland and is committed to sustainable practices. The venue has achieved the ISO 20121 Event Sustainability Management System certification, emphasising its dedication to minimising environmental impact. From energy-efficient lighting to waste reduction initiatives, the ICC Belfast showcases sustainable event hosting in action.

The Lowry – Salford:

Situated in Salford, The Lowry is a world-class arts and entertainment venue renowned for its sustainability efforts. The venue boasts an impressive array of green credentials, including solar panels, rainwater harvesting, and a comprehensive recycling program. By integrating sustainable practices into its operations, The Lowry sets an example for cultural institutions across the country.

SEC Centre – Glasgow:

Located in Glasgow, the SEC Centre is Scotland’s largest event venue and a champion of sustainability. The venue has made significant strides in reducing its carbon footprint through energy-efficient systems, waste management initiatives, and sustainable transportation options. The SEC Centre’s commitment to sustainability aligns with Scotland’s ambitious climate targets.

The NEC – Birmingham:

The NEC in Birmingham is a versatile event space that prioritises sustainability. The venue has implemented a range of measures to minimise its environmental impact, including energy-efficient lighting, waste reduction programmes, and sustainable procurement practices. The NEC’s sustainability initiatives reflect its dedication to responsible event hosting.

Spaces at The Spine – Liverpool:

Spaces at The Spine is the new destination for events in Liverpool, offering world-class dynamic spaces for conferences, workshops and dining, as well as event production services to accommodate virtual and hybrid events. The Spine has been built according to the principles that make up the WELL Standard, making it one of the healthiest buildings in the UK.

Running live, virtual or hybrid events?
Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

The “Other” New Normal: How Planners Have Adapted to Remote Working


The COVID-19 pandemic has indelibly changed the ways in which we live and work.  For those planning events remotely, the advent and continued popularity of hybrid and remote is undeniably one of the era’s lasting legacies, one which has left a profound mark on the wider industry.  Yet deeper still runs the impact of another new normal: remote working.  As the results of our white paper have revealed, this practice is now firmly entrenched within the sector’s wider working culture.  But for planners — who rely on close interactions and connections to create successful events — the rise of remote working has not come without its challenges. It’s time to explore how this new normal has changed not only how planners undertake their work, but how they have adapted so swiftly and successfully to such radical change.

Planning events remotely? The Before and The After

Prior to 2020, face-to-face personal communication — between planners and colleagues and planners and their audiences — was unquestionably the norm.  Today, our vantage point at the very top of the post-pandemic era makes it easier to stop and look back at both the advantages and disadvantages of what once was.  To be certain, planners thrived on the spontaneous sparks of interaction and inspiration that truly only come when working side-by-side with colleagues in a face-to-face environment.  From a logistical perspective, on-site working offered a forum for direct and instantaneous collaboration and the facility to swiftly clarify questions, problems, and concerns as planners moved forward through the planning process of an event with their colleagues.  Hand in hand with on-site working, of course, came emotional intelligence, something that coloured the working day with shades and tones of emotion and created a rapport of shared interpersonal experiences between colleagues.

For planners — as for professionals in almost every other sector and industry — the transition to remote working has been both a challenge and a revelation.  While that spontaneous spark of person-to-person collaboration and communication may have flickered with the initial introduction of remote working, the enthusiasm shown by planners for their industry has remained undiminished.  In these few years — in a move that attests to their professionalism and passion for their industry — planners have surmounted that initial shock of change to make a true success of a very real challenge.

Adapting to the New Normal

From today’s vantage point, this success looks effortless, but planners have deployed hard graft and incredible agility to meet in real-time the demands made by the sudden move to remote working.  What’s more, successful planners have implemented specific techniques to ensure that this broader shift in the working world has not impacted the quality of their events — even as they’ve had to grapple with fundamental changes within the sector.

First among these tactics is a fundamental awareness of both the benefits and the challenges brought about by this move to remote working. While it certainly offers flexibility and financial benefits for both employers and employees, remote working can be a direct challenge to the kind of spontaneous, collaborative environment in which so many planners thrive.  In fact, it’s fair to say that this is the primary threat posed by remote working to planning teams, but canny planners have sought to head it off by any means.  While it’s true that — at a very basic level — tools like Slack, Zoom, Google Workspace, Asana, and Trello, etc., can be effective platforms for communication and project management, technology itself is not the deciding factor when it comes to successful event planning in a remote environment.

Techniques for Nurturing a Collaborative Culture in the World of Remote Work

That is to say, the most effective and efficient event planners of today have taken the time and effort to establish a culture and context around remote working, setting practical guidance and clear protocols to smooth and ease the flow of communication and collaboration between themselves and their teams.  For today’s remote planners, these simple practices often include clearly indicating their designated platform for communication and/or project management tasks (i.e., Google Workspace, Slack, etc.).  Good planners — especially those in management positions — are also clear about establishing protocols in terms of the expected frequency of virtual team meetings and 1-to-1 check-ins.

Over the last three years, many organisations have made a decisive operational shift to remote working.  Yet, savvy planners recognise the power that in-person collaboration still holds when it comes to sparking inspiration and rapport among their remote teams.  This is why planners still lean on face-to-face meet-ups as a trusted tool for enlivening their work with that all-important spark of spontaneity. They know that these in-person meetings have the potential to bring new perspectives and new knowledge and, from an emotional welfare standpoint, can brighten the day-to-day routine — and even cut the isolation — that sometimes comes along with remote working.  Most importantly, meeting face-to-face offers a forum for remote planners to share and address the tasks and problems that they may struggle to grapple with on their own — challenges that simply cannot be met virtually or individually.

It may now be the new normal, but for event planners — for whom the cut and thrust of close interpersonal communication will always be second nature — the shift to remote working has proven to be a true challenge.  And yet — as with any of the many other obstacles that have emerged over the last three years — this group of professionals has risen to the task to make a true success of this profound change.


Planning events remotely? Running live, virtual or hybrid events? Give your attendees an event experience they’ll remember with technology you can rely on. Learn how Eventsforce can make your next event fabulous and successful. Book your personalised demo now.

Future Trends in Hybrid


The staying power of hybrid is undeniable. While the events industry is now seeing a welcome resurgence of live, in-person gatherings, it’s clear that hybrid — thanks to its inherent agility as an event format — has become a trusted tool of planners in a relatively short space of time. That same agility means that hybrid is actively being shaped to yield to the on-going needs — and even to the future demands —  of industry professionals and the audiences they serve. The future of hybrid is already in the making and it’s time to explore the broad trends and themes that will continue to shape this format as we move forward. So what are the future trends in hybrid?

Micro-events and Data:

When it comes to future developments in hybrid, the most obvious is its continued popularity within the wider event sector, a trend that shows no sign of slowing. And yet, there are some tangible observations to be made in how planners are actively adapting hybrid to meet their current needs while also incorporating it into their onward plans. First among these is the trending popularity of micro-events and specifically, how planners are actively utilising hybrid as a tool to create these smaller gatherings. In 2023 — with the budgets of so many frozen and costs rising across the board — the use of hybrid technology to create these bespoke events is an upward trend, a way for planners to fine-tune their reach to create the kinds of intimate experiences that their audiences really want.

Creating an appealing event is one thing, but gauging the outcome of that event is quite something else. For planners, only hard data offers clear, concise, and tangible insight into audience engagement and, therefore, into the overall success of their event. From the initial registration period to details collected during the course of or even after a gathering, hybrid events — where information flows in via emails, social posts, landing pages, apps, etc. — are a data goldmine for event planners. With its various digital moving parts, hybrid offers a way for planners to not only simply collect static information, but also to track and analyse metrics in order to build and refine their future events for their future audience.

The Endless Flow of Tech into the Hybrid Experience

The very nature of the format itself means that technology is an inseparable part of planning, building, and successfully executing a hybrid event. As UK Tech News highlights, the future of hybrid is very closely intertwined with the onward development of technology. Whether planners are seeking out increasingly sophisticated means of facilitating virtual audience engagement, wanting to expedite event registration via the power of facial recognition, or harnessing powerful software to allow them to analyse data at a granular level, there’s no corner of a hybrid event that is not influenced by the advancement of technology. What’s more — among both planners and attendees of hybrid events — the obvious interest in and engagement with new technologies is ever-increasing. This constant demand feeds into the development of new technology and this, of course, flows into and informs the future of the hybrid event experience.

As an agile force in the events industry, the power of hybrid is indisputable. While the precise trends and themes that will shape the format are yet to be known, it’s clear that the future of hybrid is already unfolding.



Want to learn more about hybrid events?

Is hybrid really the future of the events industry? It seems so! An Eventsforce research study with 200+ event planners shows that the concept of hybrid can be daunting for many.  They can be perceived as complex and costly.  And even with the right budgets and resources to fund a hybrid event strategy, many organisers feel unsure on where to start.

Download our eBook,  put together to give organisers a good overview on hybrid events and how they can go about addressing some of their key concerns.