INFOGRAPHIC: How Safe Is Your Event Data?
There have been a number of high-profile data breaches over the last year and though there have been no major incidents involving the events industry, it is definitely something we need to prepare ourselves for. Events deal with highly sensitive customer information, including names, emails, telephone numbers, employment information, disabilities and so on. Ensuring this data is kept in a safe place is critical not just for delegates, but for any organisation storing this information.
Last month, we conducted a survey with event planners in the UK and the US to highlight some important trends around this issue. The results have been very insightful.
The study, which was conducted across 50 organisations in the UK and the US, revealed that 80% of event planners marked data security as a top priority for 2016 yet only 40% felt they had the adequate security policies in place across their organisations.
The survey exposes key areas – like password hygiene, delegate payments and regulatory compliance – where event planners need to put greater attention to in order to prevent data from getting into the wrong hands. For example: The survey found that 81% of event planners do not change the passwords to their event management systems as often as they should (less than once a year) and a further 33% claim to have shared their passwords with other people. This increases the risk of a breach and makes it difficult to accurately identify who has access to the system at any given point in time.
For a more comprehensive look at these insights and some of the other findings from the Eventsforce ‘How Safe Is Your Event Data’ survey, please download the infographic below: